
Course Information

Introduction to Childrens Literatur (CHLD 135)

Term: 2017-2018 Winter Semester


Tammra L Houseman
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Office Hours:

Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 2:30-5 pm EST, or by appt.

Advising may be done via email, phone, or Zoom.

A face-to-face appointment can be made for the Escanaba Campus, as needed. 

Office Phone: (906)217-4158


Bay ECE Logo: Child Development, Professionalism, Family & Commuity, Developmentally Appropriate Practices, Field Experiences, Curriculum Developmet, and Observation & Assessment


This course offers a survey of prose and poetry suitable for toddlers and preschool age children. Work will include the presentation and selection of materials designed to give experience with children's books that will aid in the stimulation and guidance of reading. It includes student participation involving the reading of selections from children's literature and student understanding that curriculum development is based on developmentally appropriate literature being embedded throughout the day and within play. Prerequisite: ENGL-101