
Course Information

Ethics & Equity in Early Childhood (CHLD 150)

Term: 2021-2022 Winter Semester


Tammra L Houseman
Email address is hidden, click here to email


Office Hours:

Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 2:30-5 pm EST, or by appt.

Advising may be done via email, phone, or Zoom.

A face-to-face appointment can be made for the Escanaba Campus, as needed. 

Office Phone: (906)217-4158


Bay ECE Logo: Child Development, Professionalism, Family & Commuity, Developmentally Appropriate Practices, Field Experiences, Curriculum Developmet, and Observation & Assessment


Students will be introduced to the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct for Early Childhood Professionals. Topics include morality and ethics; ethical responsibilities to children, families, colleagues, community and society.