What is Graduation?

  • Graduation is when you have completed your degree requirements and earn your degree.
  • When you apply for graduation an audit is completed to inform you of your progress.

What is a Degree Audit?

  • An audit looks at the courses that you have taken and compares it to the courses that are required for your degree.
  • The audit will provide you with the courses you still need to complete towards your degree.
  • You only need to apply for graduation one time while you are pursuing a degree.

What is Commencement?

  • Commencement is when you get to walk across the stage in a cap and gown and celebrate your accomplishments.
  • We hold Commencement once a year in the Spring. Invitations are sent out by the middle of March.
  • Walking in commencement does not guarantee you earn your degree, we invite all students who have the possibility to complete their degree requirements during that academic year. (Fall, Winter, Summer)